
Team AIME gets two ANR projects funded this year !!!

Two new ANR projets coordinated by the AIME team were funded this year in the context of the AAPG2021 call. The first one, entitled « Discovery and selection of novel defluorinases for bioremediation (MICROFLUOR) », is led by Stéphane VUILLEUMIER, with the team of Michaël RYCKELYNCK ("Digital…

Nouvelle publication (ANR/DFG CHLOROFILTER)

L'équipe AIME a publié un article dans la revue Environmental Microbiology dans le cadre du projet ANR/DFG CHLOROFILTER 13 C-chloromethane incubations provide evidence for novel bacterial chloromethane degraders in a living tree fern. Kröber E, Wende S, Kanukollu S, Buchen-Tschiskale C, Besaury L…