Find the latest publication ( of Claire HUSSER and Michael RYCKELYNCK (team “Digital Biology of RNA”) online on the website of the journal Small. This work, carried out in collaboration with Stéphane VUILLEUMIER (team "Adaptations and interactions of microorganisms in the environment", GMGM, University of Strasbourg - CNRS), introduces the development of "FluorMango", an RNA-based biosensor able to emit a fluorescence exclusively in the presence of fluoride ion. This molecule is the first biosensor to detect fluoride in a direct, dynamic and biocompatible way. The authors were able to measure in real time the degradation of a fluorinated compound (fluoroacetate) by the enzymatic activity contained in living cells. Carried out within the framework of the ANR "MicroFluor" project, this development is an important step towards the discovery of new degradation enzymes by functional screening of microbial populations from environmental samples or gene banks. Among target activities, enzymes capable of degrading (Poly)Perfluorinated Alkylated Substances (PFAS), a large family of extremely stable and toxic compounds produced industrially in large quantities and increasingly found in the environment.